If you are not you

Knowing what kind of people you are
But the way you treats me still make me
Don’t know what to do

You woke up at 6.30 in the early morning
Although you had pass me the key of your house before I went to bed at 3
You scare I can’t wake up
But after I slept u still borrow my laptop looking pictures till very late

Seeing my hair wet
As my usual act [don’t dry my hair after washing them]
He wants to take a towel for me
But I rejected him because I scare there will be a jam and I’ll be late

He call me to go behind for awhile before he open the door for me
I follow him and he was plugging the hair drier
Ask me to stand still and dry it for me

The word “play” makes me feel bad in the situation
I felt unbelievable and happy

Something came out of my mind
If he’s not him
How good will it be

My principle came out again
Hoping that something good will really happened
But I know that’s not gonna happened


Had nightmare the day after when I had my nap
Really ridicules
That girl I saw once appear in my dream
What the fuck
I thought I doesn’t care
I thought I can just do what I want
But actually I don’t like the situation now

Being so good with him
Doesn’t care want he’s doing or talking to
What a stupid thing I’m doing
Cause I really CARES!!!
I’m jealous..angry..and sad every time
But pretend noting happened

He is a play boy
He didn’t prepare for relationship yet
Won’t it be a good thing if he’s not him


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