What just happened

I dunno what you want
and I'm trying to control my tears coz I have to be strong
yet I can't make it now

its so tiring but I still can't stop it at all

why everything can't be smooth
why every time there must be something happened when one is end

there is noting wrong with us
yet both of us are not happy
both of us are suffering now

what's going on
what exactly is the problem between us

I dunno what I have to do to let you know that I'm not sad with you
you are not the one who make me sad and cry every time
and I always get emo is my personality not because of you
and I'm trying to change that as well
and you are not useless

maybe you are stress with your work
but you didn't tell me anything at all
and now what I can do is just guess

I hate all this
can't we just talk out everything
you said before we can said everything

ps./ I hope I won't wake up so that I can stop my mind


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