No longer a kid

happiness is surrounding us
every second
every where

sometimes its just us that didn't notice about it
coz the negative side of us use to be stronger than the optimistic side

yet everyone tries hard
tried hard to be optimistic
to grow up
to be a better person
coz life will be harder when u can't fight the other bad side of yours
it will bring u down to hill easily without you noticing it

I learnt
I change

to accept the world
to accept the truth and fact
to be a better person

you can't stop learning
you can't satisfied with learning

I might not be the best
I might do stupid things always
I might repeat my mistake
but I tried
I learnt
I changed
coz I'm no long a kid

ps./ * I'm happy * I'm sad *
but I'm still glade everything happened
miss you badly


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