Love my babe

Time flies
Its getting closer and closer
The time we gonna separate again
The time that we gonna miss each other more

We know we can't stop things to happened, so we treasure every sec we are together
We know we gonna miss each other more after we separate, so we keep meeting each other
We know everything will change day by day, so we only see today

I'm having fun and laugher with all of you
Because of you guys I'm strong ;
Because of you guys I'm not lonely.
I wanna thank you guys for being my friends and lovely babe
What I wanna said is I love you guys

Recently a lot of things happened due to the troublemaker
Everyone were so angry and pissed off and so do I
But after saying it out..I'm not that angry anymore
Maybe because she's just a kid but hopefully she won't bring any trouble to any of us anymore

What's make me happy is I get to know more friends
Wen Jian and Kido
I'll treasure the rest of my time in Penang will all my babe and you 2
Thanks for the caring and laughter that you guys bring us
Appreciate it yo~=D

ps./ love all the clubbing pix,too bad I didn't get to take pix with you that day


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