Dream will always the Dream

Can't really control my emotional recently..Sometimes its like a small little girl been given sweets..sweet and happy even active having her own new toys; getting mad easily, down, sad and cry was on the other hand happening..I'm like a lively volcano, can't predict at all..

It had been weeks that I didn't call him since the last time i wake him up..I miss him..I really do..but I'm scared at the same time..
scared I had been disturbing him, scared he'll felt annoyed on me..yet he'll forget me..Life and human being can be very simple but I just make it so complicated..haha

I had a dream the other day..dreaming of him and was so happy..smiling all the way until I woke up from the dream..Cisi was watching me when I awake and she know it well that who I dream of..It was the first time I felt..secure and happy?I dun even know how to describe it yet it was just a dream..once you are awake you just have to face the reality..
I did have great time when I was with him and I do regret on letting go yet that's the fact and I shouldn't be staying anymore..

Seeing everyone so strong..I should keep up with my optimize thinking with my good mood everyday..=)..add oil la..will be posting "back to melbourne" for my next post

ps./ was thinking to open back to public for my blog, should I?


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