Things changed

am I too childish?
the first time I really get mad with him
yet that was too fast for me to forgive him

Oh my
can't really know what kind of person I have been changing to
use to be
* barbarous *
* tyrannical *
* hot temper *
* bear grudges *

but it seems to be different now

to improve...
to be better I guess

maybe I should stop dreaming and come back to the real world
stop my imagination
which always bring me down when things does go on my way

Its time for me to start learning how to "Trust" I guess
or I should be more confident with myself
didn't really know what's the problem is
but I still believe
* everything will be fine when the time comes *

ps./ You were always there when I was thinking of giving up
You were always there when I loss myself
You give me confident
give me strength
You teaches me to be strong


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